
Competition Alert July 2019

The European Commission fines Canon €28 M for closing the acquisition of Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation prior to notifying and gaining merger clearance (gun-jumping). 

On August 12th 2016 Canon notified the European Commission (EC) its intention to acquire Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation (TMSC), a subsidiary of the Japanese multinational Toshiba. The EC authorized the transaction on September 19th 2016. The acquisition was structured in such a way that Canon could dodge regulatory risk. In short:

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Alerta Derecho de la Competencia Julio 2019

La Comisión Europea impone a Canon una multa de €28 millones por cerrar su adquisición de Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation antes de notificar y haber obtenido la autorización de competencia (gun-jumping). 

El 12 de agosto de 2016 Canon notificó a la Comisión Europea (CE) su intención de adquirir Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation (TMSC), filial de la multinacional nipona Toshiba. La operación fue autorizada por la Comisión el 19 de septiembre de 2016. La adquisición se estructuró de modo que Canon pudiera eludir el riesgo regulatorio. En síntesis:

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Competition Bulletin July 2019

Table of Contents

01  Spain / Mergers.  Selected merger decisions adopted in Spain between April-June 2019.
02  Restrictive agreements / Tobacco.  The National Market and Competition Commission (NMCC) fines the main tobacco manufactures and Logista for an anticompetitive exchange of strategic information (Decision of 10 April 2019, Tabacos, file S/DC/0607/17).
03  Restrictive agreements / Textbook publishers.  The NMCC fines non-university textbook publishers and the National Association of Book and Teaching Material Publishers (ANELE) for creating a mechanism to coordinate commercial policies and terms and conditions of trade (Decision of 30 May 2019, ANELE, file S/DC/0594/16).  
04  Unfair Competition / Gas and electricity supply.  The NMCC fines Endesa Energía XXI for misleading conduct contrary to the principles of good faith and professional diligence affecting the market (Decision of the NMCC of 20 June 2019, AGIC, file S/DC/0552/15).
05  Abuse of dominance / Management of intellectual property rights.  The NMCC fines the Spanish Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers (SGAE) for an abuse of its dominant position in the management and exploitation of intellectual property rights (Decision of the NMCC of 30 May 2019, DAMA VS SGAE, file S/DC/0590/16).
06  Judicial activity / Damages claims.  The Supreme Court sheds light on the territorial jurisdiction criteria to be applied in connection with follow-on antitrust damages claims (Supreme Court Decision of 26 February 2019, appeal number 262/2018).  
07  Judicial activity / Dawn raids.  The Supreme Court sheds light on the interpretation of random discovery of evidence in the framework of dawn raids and annuls a fine imposed on UdER (Supreme Court Judgement of 26 February 2019, appeal number 2539/2018).
08 Judicial activity / Principle of individual nature of fines.  The Supreme Court clarifies the principle of the individual nature of fines in competition law infringements by confirming a €42 million fine to Repsol (Judgments of the Supreme Court of 23 May 2019, appeal number 2117/2018, and 27 May 2019, appeal number 5326/2017).  
09 Portugal: Recent news on mergers and dawn raids. 
10 The European Commission investigates Broadcom for exclusionary conduct.  The European Commission makes use of its interim measure powers after two decades of inactivity. 
11  The European Commission passing-on guidelines.  Guidelines for national courts on how to calculate the amount of passing-on in competition damages claims.

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