Aplicación del Derecho de la Competencia al ámbito deportivo: el asunto de la Superliga y otras sentencias recientes del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea
[27-January-25 10:00:28]Artículo publicado en el Anuario de Derecho de la Competencia 2024.

Libertad y competencia en el mercado de la IA
[27-January-25 10:00:28]Capitulo de Daniel Escoda incluido en el libro “IA Generativa. La nueva era de la información”.

I Jornada sobre el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en el derecho y en la economía: una perspectiva transversal
[2-December-24 10:00:28]El 2 de diciembre de 2024 Daniel Escoda participará en una mesa de ponencias sobre “La inteligencia artificial. Regulación e impacto” en la Jornada organizada por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

V Congreso Internacional de Derecho Deportivo
[15-November-24 10:00:28]El 15 de noviembre de 2024 Pedro Callol participará en una mesa redonda sobre el “Deporte y Derecho de la competencia: Superliga y otros” en el congreso anual de la Asociación Española de Derecho Deportivo AEDD en ISDE Law & Business School en Madrid.

EMLO Conference Hamburg 7-8 November 2024
[7-November-24 10:00:28]Pedro Callol participated in a session on “Foreign Subsidy matters and practical issues for FSR and for ports” at the EMLO 28th Annual Conference in Hamburg.

The International Comparative Leal Guide – Spain: Cartels & Leniency 2025
[5-November-24 9:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Global Legal Group Ltd. This article was first published in The International Comparative Legal Guide To: Cartels & Leniency Laws and Regulations 2024, (November 2024)

Seminario Abogados líderes de Centro America – Ley de Competencia de Guatemala
[24-October-24 10:00:28]
Seminario Abuso de posición de dominio y plataformas digitales: el caso Booking
[24-October-24 9:00:28]El 24 de octubre de 2024 nuestro Socio D. Daniel Escoda desmenuzará el reciente caso Booking de la CNMC (la mayor sanción individual a una empresa en la historia de la CNMC) en este seminario con el Real Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos y la Propia CNMC

Spain: Merger Control Review (The Law Reviews)
[15-July-24 10:00:28]Chapter on Spain included in the 15th edition of the Merger Control Review, a comparative law book on merger control law. Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd.

C-5 International FDI Screening conference
[14-June-24 10:00:28]Pedro Callol has discussed the Spanish regime and latest FDI screening developments.

Spain: The New Foreign Direct Investment Regulation: A Welcome Improvement – Though Gaps Remain
[28-February-24 10:00:28]European Competition Law Review, Issue 3 2024

The International Comparative Leal Guide – Spain: Cartels & Leniency 2024
[2-November-23 9:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Global Legal Group Ltd. This article was first published in The International Comparative Legal Guide To: Cartels & Leniency Laws and Regulations 2024, (November 2023)

Competition Damages Actions in the EU – Spain
[10-October-23 10:00:28]Contribution to the Spanish law aspects of the comparative law book on “Competition Damages Actions in the EU and the UK”.

Spain: Merger Control Review (The Law Reviews)
[11-September-23 10:00:28]Chapter on Spain included in the 14th edition of the Merger Control Review, a comparative law book on merger control law. Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd.

Merger control beyond merger thresholds and the multiplication of ex ante merger notification obligations
[6-March-23 8:00:28]European Competition Law Review. Issue 3 2023

Spain: Merger Control Review (The Law Reviews)
[5-September-22 10:00:28]Chapter on Spain included in the 13th edition of the Merger Control Review, a comparative law book on merger control law. Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd.

Getting the Deal Through – Vertical Agreements 2022: Spain
[17-May-22 9:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through, Lexology – Vertical Agreements, (May 2022)
For more information click here.

UIA Seminar – “The Fashion Industry 2020-2030: Legal Trends and New Challenges”
[7-February-22 9:00:28]Pedro Callol speaks in a round table at the UIA in Barcelona on selective distribution agreements.

International Competition Network webinar: “Implementing Effective Leniency Programs: Lessons Learnt and Challenges Ahead”
[26-January-22 10:00:28]Partner Pedro Callol moderates an International Competition Network webinar in the context of the current ICN year on “Implementing Effective Leniency Programs: Lessons Learnt and Challenges Ahead”

Digital Economy and Competition Seminar
[23-September-21 10:00:28]Seminar “Digital Economy and Competition” organized by the Fulbright Association together with the Deusto Business Alumni Association and the Competition Authority in Bilbao, which can be followed in person or by streaming.
The recording of the Seminar is available here.

Jornada sobre Economía Digital y Competencia
[23-September-21 10:00:28]Seminario “Economía Digital y Competencia” organizado por la Asociación Fulbright junto a la Asociación de Alumni Business de Deusto y la Autoridad Vasca de la Competencia.
Para más información pinche aquí.
La grabación del Seminario está disponible aquí.
La presentación de Pedro Callol está disponible aquí.

Spain: Merger Control Review (The Law Reviews)
[10-September-21 10:00:28]Chapter on Spain included in the 12th edition of the Merger Control Review, a comparative law book on merger control law. Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd.

Getting the Deal Through – Vertical Agreements 2021: Spain
[25-May-21 9:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through, Lexology – Vertical Agreements, (February 2021)
For more information click here.

Getting the Deal Through – State Aid 2021: Spain
[17-May-21 9:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through, Lexology – State Aid, (May 2021)
For more information click here.

American Conference Institute – 2nd European Forum on FDI Reviews & CFIUS, Strategies to Manage Heightened National Security Concerns & Get Your Deal Approved
[6-April-21 10:00:28]Our partner Pedro Callol will participate the 19-20 May 2021 in a panel discussing the “New and Enhanced FDI Regulations – How to Stay Abreast of Rapid Changes?” in the 2nd European Forum on FDI Reviews & CFIUS of the American Conference Institute.

Tracking Changes in Competition Law: Enforcement, Litigation, Settlements and Economic Considerations
[25-February-21 9:00:28]Intervention on the C-5 conference on Patent Litigation in Europe 2021 on Competition Enforcement in the Pharma sector in particular generic and biosimilar delaying entry tactics along with co-panelist of DG COMP, Pharma unit.
Details here
For more information click here.

International Competition Network Webinar: Damages Claims in Cartel Cases
[9-December-20 9:00:28]Our partner Pedro Callol shared a panel on “The EU law on Cartel Damages Claims – an Overview”, 9 December 2020.

The International Comparative Leal Guide to – Spain: Cartels & Leniency 2021
[5-November-20 9:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Global Legal Group Ltd. This article was first published in The International Comparative Legal Guide To: Cartels & Leniency Laws and Regulations 2021, (November 2020)

Spain: Merger Control Review (The Law Reviews)
[4-November-20 10:00:28]Chapter on Spain included in the 11th edition of the Merger Control Review, a comparative law book on merger control law. Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd.

The International Comparative Leal Guide to – Spain: Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms 2020
[3-August-20 10:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Global Legal Group Ltd. This article was first published in The International Comparative Legal Guide To: Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms 2020, (August 2020)

Getting the Deal Through – State Aid 2020: Spain
[9-June-20 9:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through, Lexology – State Aid, (June 2020)

[28-May-20 9:00:28]Pedro Callol moderates an panel with the (UIA) Union Internationale des Avocates and Competition Law Developments in the Covid-19 crisis (https://www.uianet.org/fr/evenements/latest-competition-law-covid-19-context)
The recording of the Webinar is available on https://register.gotowebinar.com/recording/5766193426016484616

AEDC – WEBINAR ON COMPETITION AND STATE OF ALARM COVID-19. Response of other jurisdictions to the same exceptional situation.
[24-April-20 9:00:28]Our partner Pedro Callol shared a panel on the “Response of other jurisdictions to the same exceptional situation”, 24 April 2020.

International Competition Network Webinar: Use of Presumptions in Establishing Existence of and Participation in Cartels
[7-April-20 9:00:28]Our partner Pedro Callol shared a panel on “The Use of Presumptions in Cartel Cases in Spain and the EU”, 7 April 2020.

Getting the Deal Through – Vertical Agreements 2020: Spain
[1-March-20 9:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Vertical Agreements, (March 2020)

UIA Seminar on “The Fashion Industry 2020-2030: Legal Trends and New Challenges”
[10-February-20 9:00:28]Our partner Pedro Callol will participate in a panel on “The tension between selective distribution and competition law in an e-commerce environment”, UIA Barcelona, 4-5 June 2020.

Dutch Annual Competition Law Conference in Amsterdam. Private enforcement in Europe
[8-October-19 9:00:28]Our partner Pedro Callol shared a panel on private enforcement in Europe, discussing the latest trends in private enforcement at the Dutch Annual Competition Law Conference in Amsterdam, where the latest trends in antitrust damages claims and litigation were discussed with a qualified audience. Amsterdam, 2-4 October 2019.

Restricciones verticales y empresas dominantes. Algunas notas prácticas
[7-October-19 10:00:28]
UIA Seminar on “10th Annual Business Law Forum. E-commerce & Platform Businesses: Latest Legal Trends and Corporate & Manager Liability”
[17-September-19 9:00:28]“E-commerce & Platform Businesses: Latest Legal Trends and Corporate & Manager Liability”, UIA Vienna, 20-21 September. Our presentation on Damages Claims in E-Commerce by Pedro Callol.

Spain: Merger Control Review
[8-September-19 10:00:28]Chapter on Spain contributed to The Merger Control Review, a comparative law book on merger control, 10th Edition, Law Business Research Ltd.

The International Comparative Leal Guide to – Spain: Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms 2019
[13-August-19 10:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Global Legal Group Ltd. This article was first published in The International Comparative Legal Guide To: Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms 2019, (August 2019)

Getting the Deal Through – State Aid 2019: Spain
[29-July-19 10:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: State Aid, (July 2019)

Marketing data in the pharmaceutical sector: a competition law consideration
[6-June-19 10:00:28]Chapter on competition law and pharmaceutical marketing data published as part of the volume on EU Law of Competition and Trade in the Pharmaceutical Sector, Edgar Competition Law and Practice, 2019

UIA Seminar on “Drafting International Contracts – Trumps and Traps”
[28-May-19 9:00:28]“Drafting International Contracts – Trumps and Traps”, UIA Hamburg las 22-23 May. Our presentation on Vertical Issues in a Market Power context by Pedro Callol with practical topics in the area of commercial discounting, exclusivity, etc.

Venture Debt – The key basic questions that you need to know as a start up business looking for this type of alternative financing
[20-May-19 9:00:28]A briefing produced by Callol, Coca & Asociados. Venture Capital & Finance Practice, May 2019.

NMCC Compliace Space – Electronic Platforms: Regulatory and Competition Law Challenges / CNMC Espacio Compliance – Mercados de las Plataformas Electrónicas: Desafíos de la Regulación y la Competencia para Equilibrar el Sistema
[29-April-19 9:00:28]National Markets and Competition Commission in collaboration with the Fulbright Association. Madrid, 9 May 2019 / Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia con la colaboración de la Asociación Fulbright. Madrid, 9 de mayo de 2019.

Seminario Control de Concentraciones Empresariales como requisito previo en los procesos de M&A
[19-April-19 9:00:28]CEU Institute for Advanced Management. Madrid, 31 de mayo y 1 de junio de 2019.

AIJA Seminar Athens – 3rd Annual T.R.A.D.E. Conference
[11-April-19 9:00:28]Our colleague Jorge Manzarbeitia will participate the 11-13 April 2019 in a panel discussing the repercussions of the ECJ Coty judgment on selective distribution in AIJA’ annual T.R.A.D.E. conference in Athens.

Getting the Deal Through – Vertical Agreements 2019: Spain
[1-April-19 9:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Vertical Agreements, (February 2019)

National and European Law Instruments for the Protection of Public Interest Considerations in the Framework of Mergers and Acquisitions.
[26-March-19 9:00:28]Our team participates in the 2019 ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting and Pedro Callol speaks on international merger control along with other specialists. Washington, DC, 26-29 March 2019.
For more information click here/Para más información pinche aquí

67th Antitrust Law Spring Meeting
[26-March-19 9:00:28]Our team participates in the 2019 ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting and Pedro Callol speaks on international merger control along with other specialists. Washington, DC, 26-29 March 2019.
For more information click here/Para más información pinche aquí

European Insider Update: Public, Private Enforcement and Current Issues in European Antitrust
[15-January-19 10:00:28]2018

Spain: Merger Control Review
[21-September-18 10:00:28]Chapter on Spain contributed to The Merger Control Review, a comparative law book on merger control, 9th Edition, Law Business Research Ltd.

Getting the Deal Through – State Aid 2018: Spain
[15-August-18 10:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: State Aid, (August 2018)
Link to external site/Enlace a página externa

The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms 2018 – Spain
[10-August-18 10:00:28]Chapter on Spain contributed to The International Comparative Legal Guide, August 2018.
Link to external site/Enlace a página externa

Syndicated financial instruments and antitrust: the recent price-fixing investigation related to derivative products in project-finance transactions in Spain
[15-May-18 10:00:28]Article published in European Competition Law Review Volumen 39 Issue 6, May 2018

Getting the Deal Through – Vertical Agreements 2018: Spain
[15-March-18 10:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Vertical Agreements, (February 2017)
Link to external site/Enlace a página externa

2nd International Conference on Transport and Insurance Law – INTRANSLAW Zagreb 2017. TRANSPORTLAW TOWARDS THE FUTURE. Antitrust Damages Claims Under EU and National Law: A Transportation Sector Focus
[12-October-17 10:00:28]
El régimen de las ayudas públicas: procedimiento
[11-September-17 10:00:28]Capítulo publicado en “Tratado de Derecho de la Competencia, Unión Europea y España”, Tomo II, editorial Wolters Kluwer

Spain: Merger Control Review
[30-August-17 10:00:28]Chapter on Spain contributed to The Merger Control Review, a comparative law book on merger control, 8th Edition, Law Business Research Ltd.

Getting the Deal Through – State Aid 2017: Spain
[25-August-17 10:00:28]Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Market Intelligence – State Aid, (August 2017)

Antitrust damages litigation – key aspects of cartel damages cases in Spain
[4-August-17 10:00:28]
Diario La Ley: La responsabilidad de la sociedad matriz por las prácticas anticompetitivas de sus filiales: la presunción iuris tantum
[22-May-17 10:00:28]Artículo publicado en Diario La Ley, Nº 8984, Sección Tribuna, 22 de mayo de 2017, Editorial Wolters Kluwer
Enlace a página externa/Link to external site

Big Data and Antitrust: A European Competition Law Introduction / Big Data y Antitrust: Introducción al Derecho de la competencia
[5-December-16 10:00:28]Article published for the E-Compendium of “Interface between Competition and Intellectual Property Rights” by the Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS International), December 2016 / Artículo publicado para el E-Compendium en “Interface between Competition and Intellectual Property Rights” por CUTS International, diciembre 2016

Getting the Deal Through: Market & Intelligence
[7-November-16 10:00:28]Vol 3, Issue 4. Telecoms & Media
Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Market Intelligence – Telecoms & Media, (November 2016)
Link to external site/Enlace a página externa

Presente y futuro de la disuasión de los cárteles y otras prácticas anticompetitivas en España a la luz de la reciente jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo enjuiciando el método de cálculo de multas de la CNMC / Present and future of deterrence of cartels and other anti-competitive practices in Spain in the light of the Supreme Court’s case law in prosecuting the method of calculation fines applied by the NMCC
[1-October-16 10:00:28]Problemas prácticos y actualidad del Derecho de la Competencia, Anuario 2016 / An annual publication in “Problemas prácticos y actualidad del Derecho de la Competencia”, 2016

Competition in the Spanish Telecommunications Sector: Mergers, Football Rights, and Other Regulatory Issues / La Competencia en el sector de telecomunicaciones en España: fusiones, derechos del fútbol y otras cuestiones regulatorias
[11-November-15 10:00:28]Article published in Competition Policy International (CPI) Antitrust Chronicle, November 2015 (1) / Artículo publicado en Competition Policy International (CPI) Antitrust Chronicle, noviembre 2015 (1)

La Directiva Comunitaria sobre Reclamación de Daños y Perjuicios derivados de Infracciones del Derecho de la Competencia. Principales Novedades y potencial Incidencia en el Ordenamiento Jurídico español/ The EU Damages Directive: Key developments and potencial influence in the Spanish legal framework
[26-October-15 10:00:28]“Problemas prácticos y actualidad del Derecho de la Competencia”, Anuario 2015 / An annual publication in “Problemas prácticos y actualidad del Derecho de la Competencia”, 2015

Getting the Deal Through: Market & Intelligence
[2-October-15 10:00:28]Volume 2, Issue 4. Telecoms & Media
Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Market Intelligence (Volume 2, Issue 4) – Telecoms & Media, (August 2015); Panel Leader: Laurent Garzaniti, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP.

XXI. Atelier de la Concurrence. Sport und Wettbewerb / XXI. Seminario de Competencia. Deporte y competencia
[24-September-15 10:00:28]Zürich, 22 October 2015 / Zurich, 22 de octubre 2015
For more information click here/Para más información pinche aquí

Mandatory antitrust liability under EU competition law of trade association members in case of infringement by the trade association
[26-May-15 10:53:28]European Competition Law Review. Volume 36 Issue 5 2015

Las acciones de daños y perjuicios derivadas de ilícitos Antitrust. Presente y futuro/ Damage actions caused by unlawful Antitrust actcs: Present and future
[20-November-14 10:53:28]Seminario especialista. Colegio de Abogados de Zaragoza, 20 de noviembre de 2014 / Specialist seminar. Bar Association of Zaragoza, 20 November 2014

Information Exchanges and Competition Law: A Few Comparative Law Thoughts / Intercambios de información y el Derecho de la Competencia: algunas reflexiones de Derecho comparado
[5-November-14 10:53:28]Article published in Competition Policy International (CPI) Antitrust Chronicle, November 2014 / Artículo publicado en Competition Policy International (CPI) Antitrust Chronicle, noviembre 2014

The E-Books case – A few (outsider) reflections
[5-October-14 10:53:28]Brussels Technology Days Conference, European Corporate Counsel. Brussels, October 2014 / Brussels Technology Days Conference, European Corporate Counsel. Bruselas, octubre 2014

The Spanish Merger Review Process / El procedimiento español de examen de las concentraciones
[9-September-14 10:53:28]Article published in Corporate Livewire, August 2014 / Artículo publicado en Corporate Livewire, agosto 2014

Spanish Correspondents to the European Competition Law Review since 2003
[4-April-14 10:53:28]Monthly slot to publish the main Spanish competition law developments

Getting de Deal Through – Intellectual Property & Antitrust
[3-April-14 11:17:31]Intellectual Property & Antitrust 2012, 2013 and 2014
Getting the Deal Through. Law Business Research Ltd

How to Deal with Market Share Notification Thresholds in International Transactions – the Iberian Experience / Cómo tratar el umbral de notificación de cuota de mercado en las operaciones internacionales – la experiencia ibérica
[1-December-13 10:00:28]Article published by the American Bar Association, December 2013 / Artículo publicado por American Bar Association, diciembre 2013

El umbral de cuota de mercado en el control de concentraciones: experiencias recientes en el marco de las operaciones de fusión y adquisición/ The market share threshold in merger review proceedings: recent experiences in the framework of mergers and acquisitions
[26-October-13 10:00:28]Artículo publicado en Práctica mercantil para abogados, 2013 / An annual publication by Spain’s top corporate law firms, 2013

Summary: Electrolux AB and Whirlpool Europe BV v. European Commission / Resumen: Electrolux AB y Whirlpool Europe BV c. Comisión Europea
[2-September-13 11:20:43]Article published in European Competition Law Review, September 2013 / Artículo publicado en European Competition Law Review, septiembre 2013

Ever doubted the “convergence” of competition and regulation? Spain integrates its sector regulators and the Competition Authority under a single agency roof / ¿Alguna vez se ha dudado de la convergencia entre la Competencia y su regulación? España integra a sus reguladores sectoriales y a la Autoridad de Competencia bajo una una agencia única
[2-September-13 11:20:43]European Competition Law Review, September 2013 / European Competition Law Review, septiembre 2013

Dealing with Protectionist Threats in EU Mergers and Acquisitions: Member State Reaction to the Exclusive Powers of the European Commission Under the ECMR / Cómo hacer frente a las amenazas proteccionistas en las fusiones y adquisiciones: reacción de los Estados miembros ante los poderes exclusivos de la Comisión Europea bajo el Reglamento de concentraciones 
[1-June-13 10:00:28]Article published in Competition Policy International (CPI) Antitrust Chronicle, June 2013 (2) / Artículo publicado en Competition Policy International (CPI) Antitrust Chronicle, noviembre 2014

A Practical Guide on how to Deal with Market Share Notification Thresholds: Risks and Solutions in Multijurisdictional Transactions / Guía Práctica sobre cómo abordar el umbral de notificación de cuota de mercado: riesgos y soluciones en transacciones multijurisdiccionales
[2-November-12 11:20:43]Article published in European Competition Law Review, November 2012 / Artículo publicado en European Competition Law Review, noviembre 2012

Harmonising Regulatory Conflicts – Evolving a Cooperative Regime to Address Conflicts arising from Jurisdictional Overlaps between Competition and Sector Regulatory Authorities / Armonización de conflictos regulatorios: Desarrollar un régimen cooperativo para abordar los conflictos derviados de las superposiciones jurisdiccionales entre la Competencia y las autoridades reguladoras sectoriales
[1-November-12 11:26:14]A study by CUTS for the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, New Delhi. Author of the Spanish chapter, November 2012 / Estudio realizado por CUTS para el Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Nueva Delhi. Autor del capitulo español, noviembre 2012

La terminación convencional en procedimientos sancionadores por conductas restrictivas de la Competencia: Una consideración práctica/ The Settlement Procedure in Agency Investigations Spanish Yearly Business Law Journal
[1-May-12 11:26:14]Artículo publicado en Práctica mercantil para abogados. Madrid, mayo de 2012 / An annual publication by Spain’s top corporate law firms. Madrid, May 2012

Antitrust damages in Spain: an unconcluded Story / Daños y perjuicios en materia de Defensa de la Competencia en España: una historia sin concluir
[1-November-11 11:26:14]Spanish chapter of a comparative law publication on antitrust damages in the American Antitrust Institute. Washington, DC. November 2011 / Capítulo en una publicación de Derecho comparado sobre los daños y perjuicios en materia de Defensa de la Competencia en American Antitrust Institute. Washington DC, noviembre 2011

Control de concentraciones en España: actividad administrativa desde la entrada en vigor de la Ley 15/2007, de 3 de julio, de Defensa de la Competencia / Administrative activity in merger control matters in Spain since 2007
[10-November-10 11:26:14]Publicado por la Asociación Española de Defensa de la Competencia en la Revista de Derecho de la Competencia y la Distribución, noviembre 2010 / Specialist volume published by the Spanish Competition Association on the Distribution and Competition Law Review, November 2010

Consideración sobre la (previsible) reacción del derecho de ayudas de estado ante los nuevos tipos de ayudas. En particular, la contribución para la financiación de RTVE / New types of State aid: in particular the financing of the public service broadcaster RTVE
[10-May-10 11:26:14]Artículo publicado para la Fundación Rafael del Pino, Madrid, mayo de 2010 / Article published for Fundación Rafael del Pino, Madrid, May 2010.

Los derechos del fútbol en España: Crisis del sistema y futuro de una industria / Broadcasting Rights of Football Events in Spain – the story revisited
[1-May-10 9:26:14]Artículo publicado en Anuario mercantil para abogados. Madrid, mayo 2010 / Article published in Spanish Yearly Business Law Journal (an annual publication by Spain’s top corporate law firms), Madrid, May 2010.

Intervención pública en momentos de crisis: el derecho de ayudas de Estado aplicado a la intervención pública directa en las empresas / Public intervention in times of crisis: State aid law applied to direct intervention in business
[10-June-09 11:26:14]Documento de Trabajo para el Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos, Universidad San Pablo, junio 2009 / Paper prepared for the group of experts of the University Institute of European Studies, University San Pablo, June 2009

Intervención estatal en las grandes operaciones de fusión y adquisición: Los casos Autostrade y Endesa /State intervention in large M&A cases: the Endesa and Autostrade cases
[10-January-09 11:26:14]Artículo publicado en Anuario mercantil para abogados, enero 2009 / Article published in Spanish Yearly Business Law Journal (an annual publication by Spain’s top corporate law firms), January 2009.

A new implementing regulation for Competition Law in Spain / Nuevo Real Decreto de aplicación a la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia en España
[20-March-08 10:00:28]Bloomberg, European Law Journal Vol 2, No 4, 20 March 2008 / Bloomberg, European Law Journal Vol 2, No. 4, de 20 de marzo 2008

La financiación pública de las infraestructurqas de la red de banda ancha: una consideración de los parámetros de legalidad de su concesión / Public financing of broadband network infrastructures: a consideration of the parameters of legality for its concession
[10-June-07 11:26:14]Revista española de Derecho Europeo, junio 2007 / Spanish Review of European Law, June 2007.

Intervención administrativa en la propiedad de empresas energéticas. Desinversiones en el marco del control de concentraciones, el artículo 34 del Real Decreto Ley 6/2000 y otras medidas legislativas / Administrative intervention of utilities. Merger control, the Royal Decree 6/2000 and other legislative measures
[10-September-06 11:26:14]Artículo publicado con Woulters Kluwer en septiembre de 2006 / Paper published in September 2006 with Woulters Kluwer as a chapter of a book on utilities regulation

El posible abuso de los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial. Captura de estándares y abuso de acuerdos para el establecimiento de estándares / The abuse of intellectual property rights. Capture of standards and abuse of the standard-setting process.
[10-June-06 11:26:14]Trabajo producido para el artículo 82 EC de la Fundación Rafael del Pino, publicado en 2006 / Monographic work produced for the Article 82 EC Treaty study of the Fundación Rafael del Pino, published 2006

Developments in the Spanish Energy Sector / La evolución del sector energético español
[10-July-04 11:26:14]Article published in the International Antitrust Section, American Bar Association, Spring/Summer 2004 Issue / Artículo publicado en International Antitrust Section, American Bar Association, edición de primavera/verano 2004

Remedios estructurales y revisión judicial en el control de concentraciones / Judicial review of structural merger remedies
[10-June-04 11:26:14]Revista española de Derecho Europeo, abril/junio 2004 / Spanish Review of European Law (Revista Española de Derecho Europeo), April/June 2004

The foreign exemption under the US Hart-Scott-Rodino
[10-October-03 11:26:14]Spanish Competition Law Review (Gaceta Jurídica de la Unión Europea y de la Competencia), Oct. 2003.

Spanish Correspondents of the European Competition Law Review since 2003
[10-February-03 11:26:14]Monthly slot to report on Spanish competition law developments.

El matenimiento de la libre competencia en el mercado de servicios de ADSL / Competition and regulation of ADSL services. Spanish Competition Law Review
[10-December-02 11:26:14]Gaceta Jurídica de la Unión Europea y de la competencia, diciembre 2002 / Spanish Competition Law Review (Gaceta Jurídica de la Unión Europea y de la competencia), December 2000

Medidas correctoras en el ámbito de concentraciones y compromisos / Merger remedies and commitments
[10-November-02 11:26:14]Submitted in partial completion of third cycle of postgraduate studies. Universidad San Pablo, Madrid 2002 / Presentado tras concluir parcialmente el tercer ciclo de estudios de posgrado. Universidad San Pablo, Madrid 2002

Mercados B2B y el antiguo mito de la transparencia perfecta / B2b marketplaces and the myth of perfect transparency
[10-June-01 11:26:14]Gaceta jurídica de la Unión Europea y de la Competencia, junio 2001 / Spanish Competition Law Review (Gaceta Jurídica de la Unión Europea y de la competencia), June 2001

Los estándares industriales en la interconexión de redes virtuales y el Derecho de la Competencia (Una reflexión sobre el reciente caso de AOL Instant Messenger) / Industrial standards and interconnection
[10-January-01 11:26:14]Revista de Derecho de los Negocios, enero 2001 / Business Law Review (Revista de Derecho de los Negocios), January 2001.

La garantía de acceso a las redes de telecomunicaciones como requisito esencual para la liberalización del sector / Third party access to telecommunications networks
[10-September-99 11:26:14]Revista de Administración Pública, septiembre 1999 / Review of Public Administration (Revista de Administración Pública), September 1999

La adopción del euro / The changeover to the euro
[10-March-99 11:26:14]Fundación ONCE, marzo 1999 / Fundación ONCE, March 1999

La retroactividad y los derechos adquiridos / Retroactivity and vested rights
[10-December-92 11:26:14]Revista de Administración pública, diciembre 1992 / Review of Public Administration (Revista de Administración Pública), December 1992