Expansión – Los taxistas contra Uber, y las analogías entre el sector eléctrico y el taxi
Noticia publicada en Expansión, 11 de mayo de 2017.
Noticia publicada en Expansión, 11 de mayo de 2017.
Noticia publicada en Expansión, 17 de marzo de 2016.
Artículo publicado en El Economista el 20 de mayo de 2009.
We are glad to announce that Eduardo Coca has decided to join forces with Callol Law’s team to form a specialist law firm focusing on competition/regulation, specialist litigation and venture capital/high growth industries.
Callol Law was formed in 2014 as a spin-off of the entire EU/Competition law group of Roca Junyent, one of Spain’s largest national law firms, where Pedro Callol was the competition partner (http://callolcoca.com/our-team/pedro-callol/). For press coverage of that move, please refer to our online Press Room at http://callolcoca.com/press-room/
Eduardo Coca is a well-seasoned specialist in his field and hitherto a partner with Olswang. For details on Eduardo Coca’s practice please see http://callolcoca.com/our-team/eduardo-coca/.
Pedro Callol and Eduardo Coca share a common past as fee earners with a UK ‘magic circle’ law firm, where they met and worked together in many deals.
As this announcement takes place, Callol-Coca is completing its installation in a new office in Madrid’s premier business area.
Our new contact details are as follows:
Calle Don Ramón de la Cruz, 17, Third Floor
Madrid 28001
Tel: +34 91 737 67 68
Fax: +34 91 141 21 39
Email: info@callolcoca.com
We look forward to welcoming
Noticia publicada en www.abogacia.es, página web del Consejo General de la Abogacía Española, el 11 de marzo de 2015.
Article on CPI, Global Resource for Antitrust and Competition Policy.
For more information click here.
Global Competition Review is the world’s leading antitrust and competition law journal and news service. GCR also features guest commentary and articles from the world’s leading competition law and antitrust practitioner.
For more information click here.
Since 1996 Who’s Who Legal has identified the foremost legal practitioners in 34 areas of business law, featuring over 16,000 of the world’s leading private practice lawyers in over 100 countries. It is impossible to buy entry into this publication.
For more information click here.
Article published in “Getting the Deal Through” 2012.
Artículo publicado en Expansión el 22 de julio de 2011.
Artículo publicado en el Periodista Digital el 10 de marzo de 2010.
Artículo publicado en El Economista el 22 de septiembre de 2008.
Partners Pedro Callol (quoted) and Jorge Manzarbeitia (whose back is pictured in the attached) were queuing on the first day the Spanish leniency system entered into force back on 28 February 2008. As a result, they managed to ensure first applicant status and succeeded in getting leniency for a client.
Noticia publicada en El País, 29 de febrero de 2008.